Here’s the video of our first visit to find spiders. “Where do spiders hide?”
You really should look at this great post from our friends at Hilton Pond. So much to learn about spiders.
“Where do Spiders Hide?” led by Dr. David Grant. Our next spider outing: September 24, 10:30am to 12:15pm, in the Davidson area. Find out about spiders and other small crawly critters that live in the woodlands. Dr. Grant is a professor emeritus of biology at Davidson College, a consultant with Discovery Place, and an adjunct curator at Schiele Museum. This outing was very popular last fall, so sign up early! This outing is for children with their families. Minimum age is 4 years old. Please, no dogs and no strollers. Wear sturdy footwear with socks and consider wearing long sleeves and long pants. We will be on and off trails in open woodland. Location and directions will be sent to those with confirmed registration.
Pre-registration is required. Please email Erin at *Be sure that you receive an email confirming your registration.*
If you have registered, but then find that you may not be able to attend, please contact Erin as soon as possible, at
We have had a problem with no-shows for a few of our outings, which is extremely unfortunate as we usually have families on a wait list. Please be sure that you are committed to attending.